
midvalley.. bowling.. and lost water..

so tersebutla kesah neyh..
when there r 5 owg budak unisel teringin nk tgok wyg besame- same..
bebudak itu bename ayi, ishpal, wiwi, syu dan pya..
04.06.09 (night)
dah penat bincang, sume pown decide nk g midvalley
sbb snang nk nek ktm (its not actually happened like this,
wiwie yg decide, bossy sket) setelah ditanye
nk tgok pe, ni la jwpn yg diberi:
pya~dh tgok night at d museum 2, tp xkesah
syu~night at d museum 2, owg ckp best
ayi~tah, night at the museum kot
wiwi~omg, star trek de lg!! tp nk tgok NATM2 gak.. o
r nk tgok terminator je??
push pown k gak??
ayi~nk tgok star trek la kalo camtu..
and memasing g tdo..
05.06.09 (at midvalley)
tgh2 line up, tetibe sume confius xtau nk tgok cte pe, syu je yg sure
nk tgok night at da museum.. then dh tggal lg beberape owg
kat depan barula sume decide (lepas wiwi, ayi and pya bepikir cam nk gle)
nk tgok NATM2, ttbe sit tggal kat dpn skali je..
ceh, sape nk?? then tnye plak star trek (sbb ayi n wiwi sgt suke nk tgok),
still, yg tggal this time kat 3rd row dr depan je..
so last choice,, yay!! terminator!! de sit, but there's also a sit kat A5,
and sit kat B6.. so wiwi and syu dok asing from ayi, pya and shepal..
05.06.09 (at midvalley sblm tgok wyg after lunch)
syu decide nk g yamaha, tgok instrumen like keyboard and guitar,
she prefer to go alone, so wiwi dgn sng ati mgajak ayi,
pya n shepal g tgok pet kat pethouse tuh.. but then
de sign yg tulis no food n drinks,
so wiwi pown konon2 idea bernas gle, g sorok air
(coke from McD nk sludup bwk msok movie)
tu kat blakang tembok nk naik tangge tu, air pnoh,
lgsong xmnom, and ishpal pown letak skali..
ble turun blk, just like magic,
air tuh dh ilang.. sgtla bengang..
05.06.09 (at Midvalley, watching moving)
sgt best sbb wiwi dok sbelah mamat handsome.. and well,
sbb blakang skali, its not freezing like death.. tah cmne leh lupe
yg beli tket terminator, ingtkn NATM2,
so gelabah ble movie start, tpakse check tiket gune lampu fon..
05.06.09 (at midvalley, bowling time!!)
sgt excited, 1st time for ayi, wiwi and ishpal..
1st throw wiwi plg baik 5, ishpal 4, yg len lg kurang..
suddenly musim kemarau tibe!!!!! wiwi xkne lgsong 1 pin, smpaila
3 throws yg last tu, baru dpt marks..
yg syok, last throw wiwi wat strike.. then dpt bonus throw, skor 9/10
then tetibe against all the odds, yay!!
wiwi kalahkn ishpal n ayi.. dats what people call beginners luck..
haha..so..daaa midvalley!! tamatla kesah 5 owg bbudak tu..
till next time..

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